I would go over how it went but I kind of have to leave the house soon and I don't want to rant without noticing the time.
Instead here are some sketches and things:
Cell phone strap of TOP from Big Bang for my friend. ♥ I showed her the drawing of it and she said she liked it but how genuine is that is questionable... It's hard to genuinely get anyone to be happy when they tell you love you and they like whatever really easily. Oh well, I still love her though. XD
also my digital camera really sucks. orz it's not working very well. ;A; (as seen in the second picture.)
2 wips in one, yay. The one of the left is most recent. I just remembered about this Pocky art contest I saw on TokyoPop's website. To be honest I didn't think the finalists looked that great. I think someone of them actually sucked and one them was a comic/manga?(can you call it that...) and I just felt it was just kind of bad. I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything though. I think I could have entered and did better. That's why I started sketching another Pocky related picture. @w@ But then I started to lost motivation. orz
The one on the right was inspired by waiters. I just felt like drawing something like that. I wanted to fit Taiiro in there but I don't know how to fit him in it. I don't know what I want to do with it next though.
gah, rambled on, I should get going to meet my univ101 class at the franklin...