I went to Naked Chocolate today. Their place is pretty cute but not feminine at all. I had a Bittersweet, Indulgent size, just five bucks. Anyway, that stuff is purely chocolate melted man. I couldn't even finish it. There was even a station with water for people. lolo I'm getting petite size next time. Anyway, the description for Bittersweet was a deep chocolate sensation or something like that. They weren't kidding. Never seen so much whipped cream either. The taste wasn't necessarily bittersweet but it kind of made me think of it. @A@
L-to-R: Petite, Indulgent, (I forget...), a muffin, idremembername.
So update on my life:
So since like week 4-6 (it's week 8 now) I've been busy with midterms and I have visited three museums already since last Thursday. @A@ Independence Seaport Museum, UPenn Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. It's great and all to be visiting but it's a lot crammed into a week. @-@ And this Friday I'll be finally going on a trip with my instructor of Univ 101 to the Franklin Institute.
I also have two painting projects for Design II (need to work hard to redeem myself!!! QWWWWWQ), 3 paged paper for art history, topic proposal...
Only 2 weeks of school after this... |o|
I don't think I've been working on anything lately either...
But that reminds me that I'll be getting a laser printer!! +w+ But I'll be giving my inkjet for it and losing a scanner. But that's fine, I can badger my brother with his hooge fax/scanner/laser printer. And it's not like I scan much things anyway. =w= (Plus his scanner is bigger than my current inkjet's.) so yay. must print lots of stuff to finish the ink.
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