Sunday, February 14, 2010


For an instant I thought it was Saturday and got bummed when I checked and it wasn't. :c

I just returned from visiting relatives for Chinese New Year and emptied pockets and handed off all the envelopes to my mom. xD

Although I like the holiday, I feel it's miserable each year. On eve, last night, almost three families showed up, there's usually like about five and most leave as soon as they're done eating. :/ Particular my older cousins do that. They come and eat and leave as soon as they're done. They were barely stopped by the adults to receive envelopes. It's rather annoying because it's affecting my younger cousins as well and it annoys me to see them have that attitude. It's bad enough you see the older ones doing it but to have the younger ones follow is pretty bad.

Today we only hopped two relatives' homes today. Usually it's more. We visit and the adults talk while me and my brother sit around. But we only went to a temple and my uncles and aunts who lived on the same street. We walked since there's still a lot of snow and parking will be a pain later.

D< I really dislike people who don't shovel their sidewalks! But if its elderly can't be helped but people should have at least helped them. ;-;

There's still a ridiculous amount of snow still, too. Commuting is going to be a pain.

I didn't get to do much to day but my brother did beat P3, the journey and the answer so that was nice.

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