Wednesday, December 8, 2010

10 day meme: day2-3 and 4??

LOLOL, been busy…… /w\;;;; finals sdfkljsdlkfj

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever).
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession.

I did moar sketchingssss. I’m amazed I doing so many lately~ ok scanning took forever because I kept getting distracted.

120710 (2)120710 (3)120710 (4)120710

Lots of zigzagoonnnn. eue;;; also you see derpy trainer. and fail attempt and the zigzagoon pokemon. 8[;;;


Day 2: Nine things about myself… I hate these thingssssss. ene

1. lately I’m getting into Pokemon more and more. qAq;;;;

2. I’m planning on drawing a lot over winter break. I’M VOWING ON IT.

3. love drawing man. I want to draw more pokemon ginjinkassssssss

4. ssldfjskldj I LOVE WINTER AND WINTER BREAKS AND HOLIDAY SEASONSSSSS \*U*/ so excited and happy.

5. I can’t wait to work on people’s gifts…~~!!

6. Listening to a bunch of moe singing robots helped get me through these last week or so… @w@;;;

7. sadflkj when typing I always type “my” instead of “me” and vice versa. ಠ益ಠ!!!!!111

8. I flipping love using faces man. like. I loooooove faces. ಥuಥ tymasaforintroducingthemtome.

9. I’mmmmmmmmmmmmmm……….. PRETTY LAZY OH YEA. 8D

Day 3: dsflskdj this one is gonna be fun, LOLL

1. Be pretty funny. I like a good funny person that can make me lmarofldllols. And do it naturally too. None of the perverty dirty jokes. 8I They’re okay occasionally but if you keep doing that then just no.

2. Have similar interests with me……? maybe. Not necessarily… I think it’d be hard to like someone if they hated my interests…maybe.

3. They must like my art. eue;;;;;;;


5. NOT BE A JERK……ಠAಠ unless you’re being tsundere. Then that’s kind of cute. …….maybe. ಠAಠa;;; notsure.

6. Be persistent. =u=b If you’re gonna make me fall for you, you’re gonna have to try really hard or else I’m not gonna really care/notice.

7. Have really cool hair. *u* None of that spiky shet though. >8[

8. UHHHHHHH…. be out of this world………… D8??

Day 4 (might as well, just in case I forget today. D8;;;)

1. I’m…… so short. 8I

2. I need a job. (I’ll be working winter term, yay!)

3. I suck at drawing god.

4. …………fkloans and debts and shiiiiiiitfsfh

5. I need to draw more… eAe

6. Stop procrastinating…

7. What should I eat today?!?!

Yeaaaaaaaah so boring geez.

Time to sleep/play Ruby!! *q*

1 comment:

  1. alfeal;kgjelajh YES DRAW MOAR. DRAW YOUR TRAINER AND GIJINKAS MOAR PLS. ; A ; <3 Trainer looks so awesome lafjelakjg. LOVE THAT HEADGEAR.
