BTW, before I start, I'm pretty tired so everything is boring until I get to the part about Uzuhi, so you can skip this until you see Uzuhi in big bold letters.
The first thing I did was buy a keychain from, they had a discount of three keychains for 10 bucks. I got one of an angry vein. xD
Then because I missed the first show of drums, I sat around watching Greg Davis & Friends, a group of people who sung Japanese songs. I didn't know them very well but we watched until the drums showed up. It was nice since we got seats and weather was great despite beaming sun. They had Taiko drums, dancing girls and a comedic skit. I recorded most of it but my camera was being lame.
Afterward I think I walked around the vendors and tried to get food. I was looking for Japanese-American food like they said they had on the flier but all I got was shrimp rolls. ($8 bucks, geez.) Apparently there were rice balls too but I missed it and didn't go inside the horticulture center.
I also definitely saw a fair share of cosplayers. I saw a handful of Kuroshitsuji cosplayers, no doubt was an Ichigo, and shinigami I'm not familiar with and a few Naruto ones. Nothing too impressive except for the girl as Ciel Phantomhive in his pink dress. xD There was also Lelouch, I think that was the best and closest. Unfortunately, I couldn't get to see who won the cosplay contest.
There wasn't man Faye either.
There was man Jessie from Team Rocket. Supposedly. I thought it was a lady but my friend pointed out to me that it was a man...
More walking around venders, you know I didn't know some of these shops existed in my city, I'm glad I found out about them.
So lots of hanging around, constantly trying to find my family I dragged along, I couldn't find them in the end when I went to go watch Uzuhi. When I got to the stage area the Pretty in Pink show finally ended. A nice white dog (I don't know species) with a pretty pink leash won. xD Other dogs has pink dresses and stuff.
They didn't even start playing songs and everyone was already cheering. They were merely doing sound check and they were amusing and funny. Especially Gosha, the lead singer. Said silly things like not knowing how to spell Pennsylvania and such.
When it began, Gosha said, "Do you know who we are? You might not know but we are Uuzhi! Remember Uzuhi!!" They got everyone to stand when they started, I was a little sad because I'm short people got in my way. p-q It was really annoying, this big guy in front of me swayed in every direction I was going while trying to record.
I'm not totally familiar with Uzuhi's songs yet but I think they made one up about Philly? Gosha's english wasn't great and it was a little hard to understand him. XD; But when they started singing Uzuhi (name of one of their songs) Gosha got the crowd really hype when he jumped off stage and started dancing in people's face. :D Surprised everyone and myself.
Gosha really got into the crowd. He formed a circle when they started playing "Sweet Lovely Chocolate Smile." Their theme focus was all about happiness, music without borders.
They played several songs that I don't remember but I bought both of their albums. ♥
Afterward they sold some merchandise, I wanted a medium shirt but they didn't have any so I got their albums, a poster signed by all of them ($15 for CDs, $3 for poster). :D Even though before that I got a picture with Gosha and my friend. XD He's really cool and very expressive.
The best part was when my cousin came to take our picture, then got his picture then got Gosha to sign his 2010 census poster.
Dead serious.
I don't know what my cousin was doing with the poster but Gosha actually started to read it but then he signed the back in big letters. My cousin even told him to sign his name with a heart. AND HE DID IT. XD XD XD god it was great. He even got a hug from Gosha. I got a handshake. hfffft
So after that it was pretty much done. Hung out around the vendor area. Wiped out and tired, really thirsty too. Water ice was all gone! D: So I was just sitting by the fountain with my cousins and brother while others were shopping. And then all of a sudden.
"HEY! HEY!" my cousin shouts in the direction behind me.
And who was it?
He remembered my cousin too because of his wacky poster. My cousin actually tried to get him to sign his shirt but all we had around was my pen and it wasn't working. xD And so he tried to get his shoe signed instead.
Gosha was all cool with it and he asked if my cousin if he was sure but my cousin was like "WAITTT, do I want it to be signed?" (My cousin actually don't really know Uzuhi or Gosha.) So Gosha didn't get it signed. They actually exchanged names and my cousin dared to ask if he would remember his name. Gosha also asked if my cousin would remember his, too. Aw. XD
It was pretty amazing, they exchanged some words and then Gosha left toward the food court.
That was the end of Sakura Sunday. My nose is sunburned.
My brother also would like to let you guys know he's trying to get a booger out of his nose.
For my own knowledge I bought:
3 keychains $10
shrimp sushi $8
funnel cake $5
Uzuhi cds, poster $18
Omoi bottle $20
boto magnets $3
orz;;;, can't believe I spent $61 dollars not including $5 minimum donation.
some pictures from today:

orz, long post is long. gonna figure how to make cuts later, tired now.
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