Sunday, December 19, 2010

Pomegranates are pretty~

zigzagoon pomegranate

lol, it looks like blood

But so messyyyy. More stuff under cut, mostly boring stuff. lol

so uh. my files are really unorganized… 8I;;;

why the fuck are there two folder locations…apparently I’ve been saving one or the other and shit is messed uppppppp asdfkjsdfff can’t even find the pic I want to upload. >8U

or I just didn’t name it right, lol.


I drew this to be post art…but then I was like nah I don’t wanna use ittttt.

BUT I THINK I WILL NOW. as my blogger background. +w+b ……..when I get around to it. D8

aaaand, there’s more art I want to show but I can’t. TwT Secretsantalfkjsdff


So I hope everyone’s happy a great break~ Mine is going okay so far~ I think… I should be a little more aware though. 8[;;; Or, I dunno. Whatever. /A\;;; slkjfklsdf /asshole

And sdfsfdfff I started over 3405893405 times on my scarf today. –____- FOR SOME REASON, A STITCH KEPT GOING MESSING. SDFFF But I think it’s going okay now, I’m at like 20 rows and it’s finally to actually start the pattern… I’m a little proud of myself actually, I taught myself about knitting properly…!! A little. I can' differentiate knit and purl, LOL. @w@;;

Anywho I hope everyone continues to have a happy holiday and gets their wishes and gifts!~!! nwn ♥♥

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