Friday, October 22, 2010


Yeah, windows updated or something. This is pretty cool. Especially because I’m freaking lazy to GO TO blogger, LOG IN, and yeah. that business. ummm, MY ARMS AND HANDS ARE FREEZING. I’m wearing short sleeves and we haven’t turned on the heater yet. Dinner times, brb  to jibberjabber about my day. eve

Edit 7:41pm: MAN THAT HOT BATH FELT REALLY GOOD. I was getting a little headache too.

Time skip like 3-4 hours: ALDFJSDLKGJ DFJ!!!!11111 So I’ve been wanting an ipod touch so I can text instead of a plan just for me to text (because it’s a hassle to try even explain to my parents what texting is and try to change the plan). Everyone around me texts and doesn’t even use phones anymore, I’m completely left in the dust you know?!?! My dad actually has an itouch of his own. I was pretty surprised when he bought it for himself last year. I really wanted to ask my parents one but I was afraid to ask because of expensive they are.

First I was afraid my dad would give me his. I didn’t want it not because I don’t like hand-me-downs but because I felt like it was taking away his toy. My dad plays on that ipod of his! And listens to music!! I already took away his 12 mp camera. TwT;;; I’d feel awful if he gave me his itouch!!

So the other day I muster up the courage to ask: “How much did you get your itouch for?” @∀@;;; I COULDN’T SAY I WANTED ONE OKAY. My mom’s all what. “You want one?” “Maybe…” “Then wait until Thanksgiving.” THIS GAVE ME SO MUCH HOPE. \@W@/

And all of a sudden today my dad turns to me and says, There’s a deal at bestbuy for new generation ipod touch and free gps.



The iTouch is coming between tomorrow and next week. The GPS is coming between the week after. @v@ I-I feel a bit spoiled… qwq;;; orzzzzzzz but I’m very happy.

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