Tuesday, June 22, 2010


So there's this shower meme in academy of heroes (just remembered that I probably should make it a tag) and I was trying to draw for it. Ram didn't look very sexy. ;A; I just scrapped it. The lack of sexy made me laugh.


Speaking of sexy though.

LOL. Tsuchiura Ryotaro from La Corda D'oro. A birthday gift for my friend~ I think I'm going to have a difficult time doing the water. @w@;; Despite seeing all the water scenes from AoH. =A=;;

So I finally finished commissions that I owed on Solia...

Solia Online's Dew's OC.

One of the decent ones... I have forgotten how to color. >:U

So now that I'm finally finished with it, I decided that I need some training. ;w; I haven't drawn in so long so I need to practice again. I thought I could have a temporary shop on Gaia so I needed samples. So I did this really quick...

I kind of like the unfinished look but I want to finish it BUT I'm so lazyyyyyyyorzzzz

Yeah, so there's gonna be nothing until after the weekend. I'll be in Maryland. =w=~ Actually after that I need to start on a wallpaper for a contest that's supposed to end June 30th...LOL I hope I can finish within two days. ಠAಠ;;

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