Friday, March 5, 2010

"How was your surprise birthday party?"

"...What surprise birthday party?"

That was the conversation last night. XD

edit: damnnnnnn I can't believe I had a draft for so long. anyway that was probably like March. 5th when I wrote that.

Well, that's what happened. Then on that day my friends gave me surprise birthday party. I was surprised but suspicious, surprised nonetheless. XD It was very nice. I got a big card and silly party hats. It made me feel special. ಥwಥ I also got red velvet cupcakes and brownies, they were so gooood. ♥ want moar. *q*

Today is the start of my spring break!! Not until Monday officially but my finals are done now. But what's great is that I don't feel like drawing or anything really. :I How great is it that as soon as my school work is done I don't feel like it?!! D8

It's been very tiring until now and I'm burnt out... I don't feel like doing much now. =w=;; I don't know what I even want to do. I kind of want to watch something to keep my occupied but ther's not much that interests me now...

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