It was my friend's birthday yesterday and we surprised her with cake and stuff. I'm kind of glad she started off the day a little bad (broken bag, exam at 8 am...) she looked pretty happy when we surprised her. :D
I spent up until 2 am the night before make her cell phone strap:

It really looked like she liked it when I gave it to her, so I'm glad. It was fun to make. @w@ *wants to make moar* I used the first shirtless yamapi image on google so it doesn't belong to me. @w@;;
We had the whole operation at a sushi place called Ajia. (Engrish for Asia? >A>) It was kind of cool, I learned the owner (the chef, also was nice enough to nice our picture in our princess tiara birthday hats. he said we were cute. I orzed) is also my brother's friend's father. Had fun and good times~ @w@ But I don't want tempura again. D: It's good and all but so unhealthy and mainly because it leaves an aftertaste for a long time. >___< I should have just ordered sushi. I wanna go again.
After we left we had one more surprise for her and while I played cameraman the others shot silly string at her. xD Got some good pics of unsuspecting victim and the ambush. :Db
Off to school now, enjoy moar Yamapi. @A@ (We stapled this to her princess birthday hat. 8D She actually wore it the whole time!)