Anyway. It was earlier last week or the Friday before last's when my computer decided to get sick. @w@;; I fell for the Malware Defense scam. It's a antivirus program that scans your computer with fake trojans and what not... Aaand I fell for it. >_____> It looked pretty legit and it wasn't until after I installed it I felt suspicious. T_____T The malware was so sneaky, it wouldn't let me install other antiviruses or do system restores and such. Eventually I fixed it. >w< onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">

Just drawing clothes, doesn't have much meaning.
I finally go around to do some what of a character sheet for Ayasue. You can see I got really indecisive on her legs. x_x I'm really happy how her side view turned out, especially since it's facing the right side. I often mess up on side views and usually when I draw people facing right, it never turns out right. XD Also her shoes didn't come out right. I can't seem to draw her shoes right if you face them. If it was a side view, then it'd be alright. D: ;; I was going for shoes like this but with more emphasis on how the toe curves up. I've seen more exaggerated shoes like that...but I don't know the name of it. XD;;; Please tell me if you know!
Ayasue originally was supposed to have visual kei style. I'm still trying to work on that... But for now, this is her (very) simple outfit. @w@
This is a wip. TwT;; I have her design down (somewhat, except for minor details like jewelery.) but I don't have her color palette. T____T;; I want her to be colorful but not obnoxious and nothing that reminds me of the latest trends. =A=;;

I finally go around to do some what of a character sheet for Ayasue. You can see I got really indecisive on her legs. x_x I'm really happy how her side view turned out, especially since it's facing the right side. I often mess up on side views and usually when I draw people facing right, it never turns out right. XD Also her shoes didn't come out right. I can't seem to draw her shoes right if you face them. If it was a side view, then it'd be alright. D: ;; I was going for shoes like this but with more emphasis on how the toe curves up. I've seen more exaggerated shoes like that...but I don't know the name of it. XD;;; Please tell me if you know!
Ayasue originally was supposed to have visual kei style. I'm still trying to work on that... But for now, this is her (very) simple outfit. @w@

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