Ayasue is actually a little under dressed here. This is just her "basic" look. Her style is visual kei-esque and she isn't wearing as many accessories as she would. (Or I'm lazy and didn't draw them. >A>)
At first, I was going to give her a plain black shirt but I thought that was too boring, pinstripe looks gud, yus.
And she wears contacts, haha. I didn't decide that until I colored her eyes. x: I hope it looks like she wearing heavy eyeliner, too. :/ I didn't want to give her panda eyes.
Overall, I'm pretty happy with it.
Other than that, I attempted to do 25 expressions meme. PLEASE SEE HOW FAR I GOT:

Not even half way... :D Please click for full view!
lol I like my angry face. cx
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