Thursday, October 28, 2010

So I went to prison.

Well, a penitentiary (I can never spell this fucking word.). It’s supposed to be the most famous on on the east coast. Or in the world. Eastern State Penitentiary you know. So wow, I don’t know how to start. Do I start from my day? Or when I was killing myself doing typography up until almost 5 am in morning? Was trying to rush that shit not to just get it done, no, I wasn’t worried about that. What I was worried about was getting caught by my parents when they wake to see their kid pull an all nighter to do work get up super early to do work.


The penitentiary was scary fun. I had some spooked moments but it was great and fun. There were people in front of who got spooked and kind of ruined it for us. That or our crew kept laughing our heads off so it wasn’t as fun/easy to scare us, lol. Was fun watching them get spooked though.  I’m not sure if this was the most annoying part or freakiest, but there was a hall we passed with way too many flashing lights. It created a really heart thumping effect though (props to the directors). I don’t mind doing it again. I really want to drag my cousins and brother to see how they fare.

It’s a shame we can’t take pictures to remember the fun parts.

It got really weird after the show though. Which we did get pictures of. Got pictures with a character and then sat down and chilled in the middle of the sidewalk. Yeah.

Aaaaaaaaalrighty, time to catch up on sleep. Another long day tomorrow. ewe

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