Tuesday, June 22, 2010


So there's this shower meme in academy of heroes (just remembered that I probably should make it a tag) and I was trying to draw for it. Ram didn't look very sexy. ;A; I just scrapped it. The lack of sexy made me laugh.


Speaking of sexy though.

LOL. Tsuchiura Ryotaro from La Corda D'oro. A birthday gift for my friend~ I think I'm going to have a difficult time doing the water. @w@;; Despite seeing all the water scenes from AoH. =A=;;

So I finally finished commissions that I owed on Solia...

Solia Online's Dew's OC.

One of the decent ones... I have forgotten how to color. >:U

So now that I'm finally finished with it, I decided that I need some training. ;w; I haven't drawn in so long so I need to practice again. I thought I could have a temporary shop on Gaia so I needed samples. So I did this really quick...

I kind of like the unfinished look but I want to finish it BUT I'm so lazyyyyyyyorzzzz

Yeah, so there's gonna be nothing until after the weekend. I'll be in Maryland. =w=~ Actually after that I need to start on a wallpaper for a contest that's supposed to end June 30th...LOL I hope I can finish within two days. ಠAಠ;;

Sunday, June 20, 2010

summer break!

Has officially started!

Well, like a week ago. It's just that I've been busy since that and I've been lacking motivation to draw. How great, isn't it? I have urges to draw during the term but it completely depletes when it's over!

So I'm not abandoning this blog at all, really.

Although I should brighten up the layout, it's bothering me. The colors are starting to turn out really bland. But when I try to customize something, I always want to incorporate a drawing of mine in it and getting to that takes a while for me. XD

So what's been happening in my first week since summer break has started:




Mini Domo kun keychain

Not drawing like I said I was going to, lololol

and Maplestory. ಠ_ಠ;;

Yahh, lots of Maplestory. Met some friendly players and we're kind of tight. I also kind of want to max my characters levels. I'm on Bera, find me if you want: SinnedEesu or Eesu. And I just remembered that I got a wallpaper to finish by the end of the month for a contest. LOL, totally forgot. orz;;;

With my left over felt I made another Domo kun, key chain size! ^^ Stitching is terrible... But it has eyes this time!! ^^ I embroidered it on. I don't know why I didn't think of that before. XDD But the eyes are kind of terrible. I'm glad it has eyes this time. But I didn't put arms, I didn't feel the need since it was small.

So, I totally said I would be drawing. Recently I joined this community on dA and I was all super excited and stuff.

But. I only got sketches. Nothing is coming out right. >:C

I forgot to mention friends up in that list above... HAHA, what a good companion I make. But yeah, been hanging out with cousins a lot. For the first time in forever I got to see my Big Bang familyfriends. :] Spent a night them, it was great. I'm hoping we can see them again Wednesday and spend until the the weekend down there. Hopefully things go well and we can go down there...

Also, looking at blogskins and there's a ton of good ones. q_q;; Makes me want to make one myself but I don't know html so well. orz.